How to Build a Photography Business

Episode 066
Sandra Coan

I started my business back in 1999 as a side hustle when I was a kindergarten teacher. About three years later, I quit teaching and became a full-time photographer! My career brings me joy, freedom and supports my family. However, it hasn't always been easy. In this episode, I share with you how to build a photography business using everything I've learned!


We all have unique points of view, and that's what makes our work special.

Unfortunately, something can happen when we start charging for our work. We may fall into the pattern of trying to chase trends and be like everyone else, because that's what we think will make us successful. The truth is, if you do this, your work looks like everyone else's and won't stand out!

When you become one of many, the only thing making you different is your pricing. Competing solely based on price is a race to the bottom. BUT if you show up and shoot the way you were called to shoot, your work stands out. It becomes as unique as you are! That uniqueness leads to developing a signature style, and that's how you build a brand that sets you apart in the saturated market.

Marketing is just as important as talent.

What do you love capturing? What work did you love doing before you ever thought you'd turn your photography into a business? What is your unique take on the genre you work in? What would you photograph over and over again and never get sick of? Answer those questions, and focus on that work.

Here's the truth: building a profitable photography business requires more than talent. This is where many photographers go wrong! You have to take the time to learn what modern marketing is and how to do it. This includes what to say, how to say it and what platforms to use. Instead of this, people try outdated tactics, spy on their competition and may even ask for business advice in Facebook groups.

Some people may think that a lack of clients is a reflection of their photography skills, and it's not! It's just a reflection of their marketing problems. Instead of worrying so much about your photography, focus your energy and resources on learning the business side of your business.

Make sure you invest in yourself and not just your photography gear. If you want to grow your business, you must invest in yourself as a business owner. Working with a trusted business coach is one of the FASTEST ways to grow your business.

Here's what you should look for when you're choosing a coach. You want someone who is trained and specialized in what you want to learn. Check for reviews and past student success stories. Coaching can be a powerful tool, but it requires work and willingness to invest in yourself as a business owner. If you want to learn more about building a profitable business, you can catch my free training here!



How to Boost Your Confidence!


An Honest Conversation with Three Photographers about Business, Marketing and Success