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Five Film Stock Comparison Test by Sandra Coan

Did you know that there is no universal stand for color film stock? Each one has it’s own formula and it’s own way of reading color. In this post, Sandra Coan share the differences between five popular color film stocks and talks about how the lab you use has a hug influence on the final outcome of your image.

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The Skinny on Outsourcing and Why You Should Be Doing It

I’m a big believer in knowing where your strengths are and getting help in the areas where you’re not so strong, which is precisely why I started outsourcing years ago!  Outsourcing has helped me to grow my business to where it is today. Hear what my office manager, Gabby de Janasz, has to say about outsourcing!

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Film Photography Sandra Coan Film Photography Sandra Coan

How I Edit My Film Scans

As a film photographer I get asked a lot about my post production process, especially when  I tell people that editing just takes just a few minutes per session. That is part of the beauty of shooting film!  If you do it right, in-camera, and send it to a good lab for processing and scanning, your post production shouldn't take very long at all. Want to see the entire process from start to finish?

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How Film Photography Cured My BurnOut

This is a topic that I've never thought to write about before, but earlier this week I received an email from a follower asking if I've ever dealt with burnout and if so, how I handled it. Her email really struck a nerve.  I have struggled with burnout, and at one point even considered leaving the photography industry all together.  Want to hear my story?

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